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5 Ways to Give to St. Bride's

There are five ways that you can give financial donations to St. Bride's.  To help you select the way that will best suit you, the following describes the different approaches and important information about each way.  You can also download this information as a PDF Brochure.

1.  PAR - Pre-Authorized Remittance:

A monthly PAR donation is withdrawn directly from your bank account and evenly divides your gift throughout the year. There’s no envelope to remember to bring to church and your donation cannot be lost or misplaced. And PAR makes your record of giving easy to check.

You should know: There is a minimal charge to the church of $0.50 per donation. Contact Anne Warnica at to set up your monthly PAR donation.

2.  E-Transfer to

E-transfer is safe and easy to do from anywhere and makes your record of giving easy to check. Through on-line banking, choose E-Transfer option and create St Bride’s Church as a recipient with the email address of Designate the donation amount and complete the transaction. You may want to choose a password that is easy to remember - be sure to email the password to Praveen under separate cover.

3.  Donate by Cheque

Donating “old school” by cheque - especially if you are not comfortable transferring money electronically, is simple and familiar. Just put your donation cheque into a mailing envelope addressed to St Bride’s (please include your numbered church envelope or your contact information) and send it to St Bride’s via Canada Post. You can also drop your donation through the mail slot in the church door on the south driveway where Stephen parks.

4.  Donate by Credit Card

Credit card donations ensure secure, encrypted transactions, are easy to do from anywhere and allow you to collect air miles or other credit card rewards with your donation and makes your record of giving easy to check. Click on the Donate button on the church website or go directly to:  and follow the prompts. You can choose to make a one-time donation or monthly donations as you begin the transaction

You should know: There is a transaction charge of approximately 2% per transaction.

5.  Stocks and Equities Donation

Stocks and equities donations offer the best tax benefit for the donor. They offer a substantial way to support our ministries and to meet our budget, allowing you to give a larger gift to help with major outreach or property projects. Contact Praveen Bhatt or Canon Stephen for more information or to make arrangements through the Diocese for the stock or equities transfer.

You should know: It can take longer to process the sale of stocks and equities through the Diocese. There is a transaction fee deducted for processing the sale charged to the donation to St Bride’s.




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