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Youth Group  - YG729

"YG729" is exactly what it says in the name -  We are a youth group that often meets from 7pm to 9pm on Friday nights. 

Our Friday nights follow the pattern of playing together (games, sports, arts and crafts etc.) from 7-8pm and then move to our Bible Study from about 8-9pm. Currently we are working our way through using The Bible Project videos on "How to Read the Bible".  Both the youth and leaders are learning many new things to help mature our scripture readings.

Some of our youth group members and leaders have gone to the Diocese retreat in September as well as the Radiate Retreat in February.  We love the chance to get out of our normal surroundings to concentrate on learning more about God (and also to have lots of fun!). 

Our youth are beloved in our church as well.  They have served as Crucifers, the colour guard for the Rembrance Day Service, as well as assisted with the Christmas Pageant.  As our congregation is filled with multi-generational families, we see lots of interaction between our youth and the other generations within our parish, which is life giving for everyone.

We would love you to join us anytime if you are in grades 6-12! Please contact Praveen for any further information. 

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